Why choose be:technology?


Our Service

At be:technology we provide candidates who are highly skilled within the tech industry, ranging from graduates to candidates capable of managerial roles. We work to supply some of the world's leading technology companies with the right candidates fit for their open positions.

We work with your needs in mind

Our team works around your personal requirements and skillset to find the right permanent and contract positions for you. This leads to most of the candidates we work with returning to us later down the line to help find their next career move.


We have your back

Our team will provide you with preparation for your interview and will constantly be in touch throughout the entire process, from the initial contact point all the way to getting hired. We aim to make the process as smooth and as seamless as possible with the advice provided so that you are able to focus on the important parts.

be: the best you can be

Send in your cv today to connect with our top clients from around the world

Our blog

Catch up on all the latest.

The Significance of Soft Skills

In an era where technology evolves at a rapid pace and workplaces undergo constant transformations, soft skills are the cornerstone…

The Strategic Advantage of Choosing a Recruitment Agency

Navigating through a sea of resumes to find the perfect match for your organisation can be both challenging and time-consuming….

Mastering the Art of Time Management and Organisation in the Office

Navigating daily tasks, meetings, and responsibilities can be overwhelming without a well-structured plan. In this blog post, we’ll explore practical…

Nurturing Success: The Importance of a Positive Work Culture

In the fast-paced world of technology and business, companies often focus on achieving goals, increasing profits, and staying ahead of…

Gender Balance in the Workplace

Hey everyone, 👋🏻 As the conversation around diversity and inclusion continues to evolve, one topic that often comes up is…

New Website

Today we are excited to announce the launch of our new website!

It’s our first day at the be:technology HQ!

It’s our first day at the be:technology HQ! If you are looking for a new role or expertise in IT…

Diversity & Inclusion: A Hot Topic for HR Managers in Tech

Diversity and Inclusion are no doubt one of 2021’s hot topics for HR managers in the tech industry. Despite the…

How to improve your Remote hiring strategy.

A successful hiring strategy is hard to master, and your process could be unreliable. A hiring process can fall apart…